3/4 cup all-purpose flour…………...............1 cup yellow cornmeal
1/4 cup cornstarch (this will make the crust crisp & flaky)
1 tsp. Kosher salt………………......................1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. ground mustard………...................6 TB butter, cut into cubes
1/2 cup milk (any kind ~ I like unsweetened vanilla or plain almond or cashew milk)
1/4 cup honey or light agave nectar
7 lean all beef hot dogs (I like Nathan’s or Hebrew National ~ the ones that I bought are 97% fat free and only 45 calories each)
7 round wooden or compressed paper sticks (or as many as there are hot dogs in your package) ~ I used lollipop sticks (sometimes in the baking aisle, or at any store that sells cake decorating supplies)
Optional dipping sauces/condiments
Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with foil; spritz with buttery non-stick spray and set aside.
Whisk together the flour, cornmeal, salt and ground mustard in a large bowl. Cut in the butter with two forks (or a pastry blender or your fingers) until it looks like coarse crumbs. Stir in the milk and honey with a wooden spoon until combined.
Put the dough on a lightly floured piece of parchment or waxed paper. Sprinkle some more flour over the dough and top with another piece of parchment paper. Use a rolling pin to roll dough about 1/4” thick.
Push a wooden stick up the center of each hot dog. Then put the hot dog on the dough and cut a rectangle that’s big enough to wrap around it. Use your hands to gently press the dough around each hot dog and seal the ends. ** and that's where reality departs from theory! When you put enough flour on the dough to keep it from sticking to the paper, it also won't stick to itself! After I tried 3x to neatly cut rectangles and wrap them around a hot dog, I finally gave up. I mashed down the mess of dough scraps and stuck a hot dog on top. Then put more dough (rolled & scraps) on top and just picked up the whole thing in my hands and worked it around the hot dog in my hands, molding it around the hot dog to cover completely, but as thin as possible (which worked the flour into the dough) ~ then rolling it out even on the counter. (The important thing is be sure that it's sealed well on the top and around the stick, so the juices from the hot dog don't leak during baking.) It was actually fun (and I felt like a kid) working with my hand and molding the dough, and I think they came out looking really good!
Lay the corn dogs on prepared baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown (longer time if the crust is thicker). Serve warm with mustard & ketchup for dipping (we like BBQ & hot sauce too).
TIP: Coleslaw, potato salad, bean salad, and macaroni salad are all good side dishes. Check your grocery store for the new veggie tots & fries (broccoli, carrot & cauliflower).