I bought the Mediterranean mixed olive & feta cheese salad at the Olive Bar at my local Kroger. You could use any olive mixture that you find (make sure they're PITTED olives); and if it doesn't have feta cheese in it, then crumble up about 2-3 TB feta cheese and add it to the pasta salad.
I sliced about 5 grape tomatoes and added it to the pasta salad, but you don't need to do that. My store-bought salad had quite a bit of dried herbs in it, but if yours doesn't have enough, you can add some dried: oregano * rosemary * basil.
I used the liquid in my olive salad as my dressing as the dressing for my pasta salad (with the addition of a big splash of white balsamic vinegar, which is optional). If you don't have enough liquid in yours, then use any Italian or Greek salad dressing that's a light color (not reddish ~ you don't want to color the tortellini) ~ and only use about 1/4 cup (you don't need that much, since you'll be adding the tortellini when it's hot).
Put all of your ingredients (except the tortellini) into a big bowl and mix it up a little. If you need some salt, add a little Kosher salt to taste. If it seems to be lacking a little "zip", add a sprinkle of crushed or cracked red pepper flakes. Set it aside until the tortellini is done.
I used a family sized package of FRESH TORTELLINI (about 20 oz.) ~ mine was spinach & cheese ~ but it doesn't matter what you get, as long as it's vegetarian (you don't want to serve anything with beef or chicken in a cold or room temperature salad).
Bring a large pot of heavily salted water to a rolling boil and put the tortellini ~ until it rises to the surface (only about 45 seconds). Drain, but DO NOT RINSE (so the dressing sticks to the tortellini). Immediately add the hot tortellini to the big bowl with the rest of the ingredients and gently mix it all together (I used a rubber scraper so I didn't break any of the tortellini). I let it cool on the counter before covering and putting into the refrigerator.
This can be served at room temperature or cold. Perfect for a buffet table!