The glaze is made with peach jello, cornstarch, vanilla, a hint of nutmeg and either sugar or Splenda ~ so you can also make a sugar-free version, if you're on a sugar-restricted diet.
The easiest way to peel peaches is to BLANCH them, and I'll tell you how to do that at the end of the recipe.
4-5 fresh peaches, peeled and thinly sliced ** (get the ripest peaches you can find)
1 8” or 9” pie crust
1 small box (3 oz) peach jello (sugar or sugar-free)
1 cup water…………………………1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup sugar ~or~ plain white Splenda (NOT baking blend)
1 heaping TB cornstarch………….. 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Agave nectar or honey
Preheat oven to 400. Arrange peach slices in pie shell. Lightly drizzle a few times with agave nectar or honey, as you layer them. Bake for about 20 minutes (or until pie shell is browned at the edges). Remove and evenly pour the glaze over the peaches. (NOTE: No need to bake the peaches in the pie crust if they're already soft & very ripe.)
While peaches & pie crust are baking, prepare the GLAZE: Put rest of the ingredients (except jello) in a small saucepan over medium heat. Whisk until thick and dissolved.
Remove from heat and whisk in jello. Pour over peaches. (Use a rubber scraper to get all of it out of the saucepan.) Chill 2 hours until set.
You can substitute an equal amount of APRICOTS or NECTARINES for the peaches, if you want
BLANCH the peaches to easily remove the peel
Fill a large pan with enough water to fully cover your peaches when you put them in. Bring it to a full boil. Have peaches cut in half (with pit removed), and a large bowl of ice water ready.
Carefully put peaches into the boiling water (about half at a time), and leave them in for 30 sec- 1 min.
Using a slotted spoon, carefully lift them out and immediately put into the bowl of ice water. After about a minute, take them out of the ice water. The skin should be soft enough to rub off with your fingers. If the skin doesn't come off easily, your peaches aren't really ripe.