1 lb. white beans, dried (Great Northern, Navy, Cannellini, etc.)
2 Carrots (peeled & sliced) ~or~ 1 15oz. can sliced carrots
2-3 stalks celery, sliced………………….............…1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 white or yellow onion, chopped……...........2 tsp. dry thyme leaves, crushed
1 fresh rosemary sprig ~or~ 1 tsp. dry rosemary leaves, crushed
2 tsp. dry basil leaves
2 tsp. dry oregano leaves………………….............2 bay leaves
1 (about) 15oz. can diced or chopped tomatoes (I like Italian or garlic seasoned)
About 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken ~ chopped (easiest to do when partially frozen)
1 TB white Balsamic vinegar……………...........…6 cups water
1 TB Kosher or sea salt………………….............….3 tsp. black pepper
1 TB crushed or minced garlic…………............…1/2 bell pepper, chopped
Put the chicken pieces (cut about 1”), dry beans and 6 cups of water into a Dutch oven and bring to a boil, uncovered. Then lower the heat ~ add the salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, oregano, garlic and bay leaves. High-simmer for about 45 minutes, covered (until the chicken is cooked through).
Add the carrots, celery, onions, bell pepper, parsley, Balsamic vinegar, tomatoes (with juice) and slow-simmer (covered) for 3-4 hours, or longer (or until the beans are soft). Check occasionally to be sure you still have enough liquid in there (and add more, if necessary). Taste and adjust salt & pepper several times while it’s simmering.
NOTE: After chopping the chicken, BE SURE to wash your hands, cutting surface and utensils thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap before handling any other ingredients. Don’t forget to wash down the kitchen faucet handle (and anything else you touched) too!