1/2 cup (8 TB or 1 stick) butter, melted
1-1/2 cup chocolate hazelnut spread (i.e. Hershey's or Nutella)
1 (1 lb.) package powdered sugar, sifted
about 5 small pretzel sticks (broken into 3-4 pieces each)
1 small tube green decorator's icing
about 1/2 cup orange colored sugar ~or~ make your own, using granulated sugar, plus red and yellow food coloring (directions below)
Put butter, chocolate hazelnut spread and powdered sugar in a bowl and stir well until combined. I started with a wooden spoon, and then ended up using my hands and kneading it.(Should be the consistency of stiff dough.) Shape dough into about 15-20 small pumpkin-like balls. Roll the balls in the orange sugar until they're completely covered and put them on a piece of waxed paper.
Using the side of a toothpick or a butter knife, create ridges down each pumpkin. Stick a pretzel piece into the top of each pumpkin for a stem. Using a leaf tip, pipe a couple of leaves on each pumpkin (which will also act as "glue" to keep the pretzel stem in place). Refrigerate until firm (usually a couple of hours). Makes about 15-18.
Serve on a plate with green-tinted coconut, and some gummy worms and/or spiders (for Halloween) or LEAF COOKIES.
Put about 1/2 cup granulated sugar into a pint zip-lock baggie. Squeeze in 2 drops yellow food coloring and 1 drop red food coloring (or if you want it brighter, then 4 drops yellow and 2 drops red). Squeeze out the air and seal the bag shut. Squeeze and mold the sugar around in the bag with your fingers until all of the sugar is evenly colored with the food coloring.